crimes اخبار الكويت المحامي انسانية عقار

حريق عمارة المنقف – والوفيات – مع نظرة قانونية

عمارة المنقف والوفيات بالحريق

حريق قد شب في عمارة سكنية في منطقة المنقف تحديداً في عمارة يقطن فيها الكثير من العمالة التابعة لإحدى الشركات والتي يقارب عددهم ٢٠٠ عامل وفاقد، ونتج عنه حالات وفاة كثيرة تقارب ٣٥ حالة

تصنيف الواقعة في قانون الجزاء الكويتي بانه ” جريمة القتل الخطأ ” ، حيث يُعرف القتل الخطأ بأنه التسبب في وفاة شخص آخر دون قصد الإيذاء، ولكن نتيجة الإهمال أو الرعونة أو عدم الاحتياط.

في حالة الحريق في السكن، تنسب جريمة القتل الخطأ إلى الشخص الذي تسبب في الحريق بسبب إهماله أو رعونته أو عدم احتياطه. إذا كان الحريق ناتجًا عن فعل متعمد، فستكون الجريمة أشد وتصنف كجريمة قتل عمد.

المسؤولية الجنائية في حالة الحريق:

• المتسبب المباشر في الحريق: إذا كان هناك شخص أشعل النار عمدًا أو تسبب في الحريق بسبب إهماله الجسيم، فهو المسؤول الأول عن الجريمة.

• مالك العقار أو المسؤول عن الصيانة: إذا كان الحريق ناتجًا عن خلل في التمديدات الكهربائية أو عدم صيانة أجهزة السلامة، فقد يتحمل المالك أو المسؤول عن الصيانة جزءًا من المسؤولية.

• السلطات المحلية: في بعض الحالات، إذا ثبت أن السلطات المحلية أهملت في الإشراف على المبنى أو لم تتخذ الإجراءات اللازمة لضمان السلامة، فقد تتحمل جزءًا من المسؤولية.


نص المادة 151 من قانون الجزاء الكويتي:

“من تسبب بخطئه في موت شخص آخر عوقب بالحبس مدة لا تجاوز ثلاث سنوات وبغرامة لا تجاوز ثلاثة آلاف روبية أو بإحدى هاتين العقوبتين.”

• الحبس: قد تصل العقوبة إلى الحبس لمدة لا تزيد عن ثلاث سنوات.

• الغرامة: قد تصل الغرامة إلى ثلاثة آلاف دينار كويتي.

• أو بإحدى هاتين العقوبتين: قد يقرر القاضي توقيع إحدى العقوبتين (الحبس أو الغرامة) أو كليهما معًا.


واذا ثبت مسوؤلية احد المتسببين بالحريق بموجب حكم جزائي نهائي؛ يمكن رفع دعوى ضده للمطالبة بالتعويض والمادي والأدبي بما في ذلك الدية الشرعية

ملاحظات مهمة:

• يجب أن يتم تحديد المسؤولية الجنائية في كل حالة على حدة بناءً على الأدلة والتحقيقات التي تجريها الجهات المختصة.

• إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مشورة قانونية محددة، يُنصح بالاتصال بمحامٍ متخصص في القانون الجنائي الكويتي


احمد الصليلي



crimes Kuwaiti law marriage

Marriage in Kuwait between foreigners 💍

If you are considering getting married in Kuwait, there are a few things to keep in mind before making your decision

Kuwait is a Muslim country and marriage between two Muslims is the only type of marriage that is recognised by law in by Sharia Law between Muslims man and Muslims girl or Christian or Jewish girl, but non accepted legally non muslims man to get marry to muslims girl

– There are civil marriages available in the country at this time and anyone who’s not Muslim still can be married can get married in Kuwait as civil marriage

3- criminal law in Kuwait punish including fines and imprisonment and deportation for any sexual activity without marriage or pregnancy outside the marriage relationship. Therefore it’s against the law to have sexual relations with another person outside of marriage and anyone caught doing so is liable to arrest and punishment under Criminal law of Kuwait.

There are also no restrictions when it comes to age for the marriage as long as the male is above age 17 years old, and the girl is above 15 years old. However, some conditions must be met to legally marry. Firstly, you have to obtain the approval of one of the Kuwait courts to get married. Secondly, you must fulfil certain criteria. For example, the man must be a Kuwaiti citizen or at least a resident in the country with valid residency.

The woman must also meet the nationality requirement or fulfil certain residency requirements to marry. Thirdly, the woman must be of legal age and cannot be a minor (under the age of 18) at the time she is to marry. Fourthly, a woman must have given her consent to marriage before the marriage is registered. Lastly, both parties must be present in the official registry office to apply for marriage registration. Other documents may also be required depending on the specific circumstances of the wedding

– If you are a Muslim, you can register your marriage at any Ministry of Justice office or the local religious court in Kuwait provided you meet the necessary requirements

– If you are a non-Muslim, you must register your marriage at the Ministry of Justice of Kuwait City before filling out the marriage registration form at your local religious court
– Women need to produce their birth certificates as well as a copy of their passport with their photograph and personal details
– Men will also need to have their birth certificates and copies of their passports as well as their photographs for identification purposes

– You both will need to go to the Marriage Registry Office which is located in the Ministry of Justice building

– The office is open from Sunday to Thursday between 8am and 1:30pm.
– The process can take anywhere from one to two hours to complete depending on how busy the office is on the day you go to register

– After registering your marriage, you will be given a document called a “marriage certificate” which must be presented to any authorities who may ask for it
– these steps to be safe from any criminal law penalties in case of pregnancy or being caught in sexual activity
– If one of you was previously married and was divorced by a court decree, you will need to present a copy of your divorce decree when applying for a marriage registration
  • When applying for marriage certificates, you may also need to provide proof of your divorce in case the previous spouse still alive. A divorce decree is a legal document issued by a court. It is a statement made by a judge or clerk in court about the ending of a marriage


– for any legal services and inquires call us
Lawyer Ahmad ALSulaili





crimes Kuwait constitution

Attempted murder in Kuwaiti law💉🔪🔫💣

Attempted murder

From the 1962 Constitution of Kuwait, he added laws that added broad protection to this right and protected him from the 1962 Constitution. Attacking him, not only that, but making every act intended to attack the life of a human being even if he could not achieve the result that he intended to kill a criminal severely, and he was sentenced to severe punishment, so that any attempt to attack the life of a human being would be a crime that would result in severe punishment.

The Kuwaiti legislator explained in the penal code that is intended in the words “attempting to commit a crime” in article 45 of that law, and stated that

In a simpler sense, someone named “Ali” based on a personal dispute between him and Salem’s girlfriend, monitors him for a period of time and pursues him with a firearm or by his car intending to decide He killed salem’s girlfriend as a result of the deep hatred and differences between them, by driving at high speed to hit him with his car as he walks in the street, but he is intercepted by the police car or crashes in another car or to escape “Salem” in time, so that “Ali” could not kill a friend for reasons he has nothing to do with it but outside of er His command.

In this case, Ali committed the crime of attempted murder, because he had the intention to kill and did the reasons, promising to prepare and preparing, but he could not kill Salem’s girlfriend for a reason beyond his capacity, so his punishment would be “life imprisonment” in accordance with article 46 of the Kuwaiti Penal Code.

We assume that “Ali” carried out his crime and rammed “Salem” or shot him, as a result of which “Salem died” the murder would have been complete with premeditation and therefore the death penalty by hanging.

The Kuwaiti legislator not only did this, but prevented any attempts to justify the commission of the murder through the legitimate defense, as there is no explanation for the motive for the murder or the motive, and came with exceptions in accordance with article 44 of the Penal Code, which is certain lysing to the legitimate defense as a reason for committing the murder, which is if You are a crime of murdering a female without consent or indecent assault on a human being by force, or kidnapping a human being by force or threat, in which cases can be upheld as a reason for murder, but you should know that it is rare to take the court to the legitimate defense as a justification for murder, because during the investigation procedures and investigations of the detectives He gathered evidence, and the witness investigation continued to show the truth and the offender would be punished.

I hope that I have succeeded in explaining the crime of attempted murder and punishing it through Kuwaiti law in a simplified way,

By me.

Lawyer / Ahmed Gharib Al-Salili

Lawyer before the Court of Appeal in Kuwait 

T: 66811411

تقادم الدعوى و العقوبة في القانون الجزائي الكويتي

مدد الحبس الاحتياطي في الكويت

فيديو:- مداهمة جحر ساحر مغربي والكشف ضحية خليجي 👹😈👽🧟‍♂️🏴‍☠️

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